Our impact

These numbers and stories represent lives – people forever changed through experiences we’ve gone through together. While you may never know the pain people are dealing with, you may find comfort in knowing that grief and loss are shared human experiences that affect all of us.


individuals supported with care in their home


caregivers and bereaved individuals supported


individual and group grief sessions provided


satisfied with the care experience


volunteer hours


people received end-of-life care in our residence

Data is based on the 2022-23 fiscal year
"Thank you for your kindness and support at a time when I was at my lowest. The team really helped me get through a terrible time by offering different supports to find what suited me best and was helpful. Thank you."

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It’s the most compassionate way to help your community.

Together in community: The 2024 Jack Cooper Hike for Dorothy Ley Hospice

We are grateful to have spent the day with you, your family, friends, and our community members.  We hope you ...

Dorothy Ley Hospice executive director featured on The Waiting Room Revolution podcast

Dipti and the hosts discuss the synergy between hospice services and the Waiting Room Revolution, innovative ways hospices partner with ...

The power of community connectors: Dan Finegan

When Dan Finegan first learned about Dorothy Ley Hospice from his late friend Jack Cooper, a long-time board member and ...

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