Dorothy Ley Hospice volunteer inducted into the June Callwood Award Circle of Outstanding Volunteers

Congratulations to Linda, long-time Dorothy Ley Hospice volunteer, for winning the June Callwood Award for outstanding hospice volunteers.

Linda, Dorothy Ley Hospice volunteer, won this year’s June Callwood Award

Congratulations to Linda, Dorothy Ley Hospice volunteer, for winning this year’s June Callwood Award, presented at Hospice Palliative Care Ontario’s annual conference.

The June Callwood Award honours outstanding volunteers who exemplify the spirit of hospice volunteerism and demonstrate selfless service, generosity of spirit, compassion and a commitment to excellence.

Linda is an empathetic and dedicated volunteer who makes everyone feel special and enhances their quality of care. She has supported palliative individuals and their families in our residence and in the community for over six years.

Volunteering on a weekly in the residence, she provides companionship and emotional support in a calm and caring manner. Linda makes everyone feel special. She has also co-facilitated bereavement groups and provided one-on-one support, always focused on how best to benefit the client.

Linda is always willing to help and has functioned as a mentor to many new volunteers. Her empathy, compassion and kindness are evident to the people we serve. Thank you Linda for making our hospice and community a better place!

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